7º Curso Avançado “Geologia e Petróleo”: Nanofósseis calcários
do Jurássico Português. Aplicações à Industria do Petróleo.
do Jurássico Português. Aplicações à Industria do Petróleo.
Calcareous nannofossils researcher: Emanuela Mattioli (University of Lyon, France)
Calcareous nannofossil (taxonomy, biostratigraphy and palaecology) of the Jurassic of Portugal. Applications to the oil industry.
Main topics
Main goal of the course is to acquire expertise in taxonomy and biostratigraphy of Calcareous
nannofossils from the Jurassic of Portugal, one of the strategic stratigraphic units related to oil on the Lusitanian basin, both for elements of the industry and universities. Calcareous nannofossils are widely used in oil industry as a biostratigraphic expeditious tool particularly in horizontal biosteering providing almost instantaneous results during prospection coring.
In particular the last five years, calcareous nannofossils from the Sinemurian-Bajocian interval have been studied in great detail in Portuguese sections. These studies focused on biostratigraphy, cyclostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy and biometry allowing to better defining paleoenvironmental conditions driving to peculiar calcareous nannofossil assemblages. The main results show that nannofossil assemblages and size match the major temperature changes
recorded within the Lusitanian basin and the carbon cycle perturbations occurring at a global scale. The paleoceanography of the basin has been also approached and peculiar nannofossil
assemblages indicate changes in surface currents.nannofossils from the Jurassic of Portugal, one of the strategic stratigraphic units related to oil on the Lusitanian basin, both for elements of the industry and universities. Calcareous nannofossils are widely used in oil industry as a biostratigraphic expeditious tool particularly in horizontal biosteering providing almost instantaneous results during prospection coring.
In particular the last five years, calcareous nannofossils from the Sinemurian-Bajocian interval have been studied in great detail in Portuguese sections. These studies focused on biostratigraphy, cyclostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy and biometry allowing to better defining paleoenvironmental conditions driving to peculiar calcareous nannofossil assemblages. The main results show that nannofossil assemblages and size match the major temperature changes
recorded within the Lusitanian basin and the carbon cycle perturbations occurring at a global scale. The paleoceanography of the basin has been also approached and peculiar nannofossil
2 days (4 thematic theoretical-pratical seminars at Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa)
On each thematic day there will be a presentation followed by practical works on the interval that is treated.
Day 1) the Sinemurian-Pliensbachian interval;
Day 2) the Toarcian and the Aalenian-Bajocian intervals
Dates: 2 – 3 May 2011
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (Campo Grande)
Edifício C6, piso 3, sala 42 (6.3.42)
Horário dos Seminários
Os seminários decorreram em dois períodos (manhã e tarde):
9h00 – 12h00
14h00 – 17h00
Número máximo de participantes: 15
Existem três microscópios específicos para observação de nanofósseis calcários, um dos quais ligado acâmara digital e projetor vídeo.
Por email para mcachao@fc.ul.pt, de 13 a 20 Abril de 2011
Taxa de Inscrição:
20€ para estudantes; 50€ para profissionais (a pagar na Tesouraria da Faculdade de Ciências deLisboa até 30 de Abril).